Published onApril 29, 2021Reduce AWS Amplify bundle sizeReactJavaScriptTypescriptAWSAWS-AmplifyNextjsHow to optimize AWS Amplify imports and reduce the first load size in web and mobile applications built using AWS cloud services
Published onDecember 4, 2018Understanding React.SuspenseReactJavaScriptReact Suspense is a powerful new feature that allows developers to pause rendering until a task (such as loading data from an API) is completed
Published onNovember 21, 2018Avoid unnecessary re-renders React.memoReactJavaScriptPreventing unnecessary component re-renders in React and various ways to achieve it, including React memo function, PureComponent, and shouldComponentUpdate
Published onOctober 6, 2016How to comment in React JSXReactJavascriptJSX does not support HTML comments, so comments must be written in JavaScript using curly brackets, and can be single-line or multi-line.